Art in process

Painting: Oil / Charcoal

The process of painting is a direct channel to our deepest feelings. In a world that often seems 'simply-cated,' we find solace in the simplicity of capturing a moment through charcoal sketches and the richness of oil paintings. These creations are a testament to the power of art to express emotions that words cannot always convey. Each stroke represents a feeling, a memory, a moment frozen in time. Let these charcoal drawings and oil paintings remind us that even in the midst of life's complexities, there is beauty in the simplicity of raw emotions. Explore my world of artistic expression!

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Nov. 2023 - still in process

What do you feel?.

Behind the fence

little things makes huge difference


In this incomplete yet heartfelt oil painting of Amsterdam, I attempted to convey a profound personal message. Just as this canvas remains a work in progress, so too was my journey towards becoming a loving husband. The cityscape is a metaphor for life's intricate beauty and its ever-evolving nature.

Amidst the brushstrokes and colors, I found the courage to declare my readiness to be a dedicated husband to a remarkable woman. While the painting may not be perfect, it embodies the imperfectly beautiful path that is marriage—a journey filled with both happiness and challenges. It symbolizes my commitment to embrace all that married life offers, with an open heart and a deep appreciation for the ever-unfolding adventure of building a family

As above so below

Whatever you see it what you get it



Above everything …Me


My first oil painting captures the enchanting beauty of a winter forest blanketed in pristine, glistening snow. While blue hues dominate the scene, it's not about sadness; it's about the calm and tranquility that this serene landscape offers. It's an invitation to embark on a soothing journey through the cool, quiet woods—a place where one can find solace and relaxation, the perfect starting point for long journey, which is basicaly my live.


In the midst of life's bustling chaos, I've found a serene refuge in this moment. This painting captures the essence of tranquility amidst the noise. While the world may have its demands and pressures, here, in this peaceful corner of canvas, I've paused to breathe and find solace. It's a reminder that even in the busiest of times, there's a place to rest, to gather one's thoughts, and to appreciate the simple beauty of being present